UPDATE: Buy “It’s A Beautiful Day” on iTunes!
After weeks of subtle hints that new music was on its way, Michael Bublé and his team at Warner Bros. Records released a trio of teaser videos over the past week that previewed the lead single from his upcoming sixth studio album. Though all three videos were short, the audio revealed happy thematic elements and upbeat, bouncy production closely resembling that of his hit released in 2009, “Haven’t Met You Yet.”
Now that all three video previews have been released, with the third being posted early Tuesday afternoon, Bublé is set to premiere his new single, “It’s A Beautiful Day,” which will be revealed on michaelbuble.com sometime later today (Wednesday). According to a storage site used by the record company to test their artists’ websites in a development environment, the splash page currently greeting visitors to the website will be replaced with a playlist of the three videos, as well as the background image shown below, in which details on the song and album titles are revealed. “It’s A Beautiful Day” will be the lead single from Bublé’s album To Be Loved. The album is set for a worldwide sale date of April 23 following the release of “It’s A Beautiful Day” this coming Monday, February 25. The song has yet to be revealed in full, but due to the pop-friendly production heard in the previews thus far, expect the song to receive treatment as a single for pop and adult contemporary radio formats.

Also yet to be revealed is the album artwork for To Be Loved, but that task will be left to Bublé fans to reveal by tweeting about the album, as instructed on the new splash page. Once the website is live, fans will be able to visit michaelbuble.com/albumreveal to watch the cover appear with one of four parts for every 10,000 tweets using the hashtag #BubleAlbumReveal.
In addition to the website update, WBR’s press page updated on Tuesday with two new photos of Bublé, taken by Warwick Saint. The first image is being used in the “It’s A Beautiful Day” cover artwork (seen in the previous image), as well as on the header of the new website (seen at the top of this post), so perhaps the latter photo will be put to use as part of the album artwork.
Finally, as a source of confirmation to this news, iTunes’s Link Maker confirms the presence of both “It’s A Beautiful Day” and To Be Loved within their database. As previously mentioned in my analysis of the countdown to Justin Timberlake’s “Suit & Tie” release, when searching for a string that matches a song title in the database, but is not yet available to purchase, that title will fail to show up but a link to the artist in question will appear. Searching michael buble it’s a beautiful day and michael buble to be loved both show Bublé’s artist link. (It is worth noting that the latter string also appears due to the presence of four tribute versions of “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You).” Each instance comes from an album with “Michael Bublé” included in the title, which causes it to match the string; Bublé’s own version of the song, as included on 2005’s It’s Time, does not appear in the results as it is simply titled “How Sweet It Is” without the additional subtitle.)
It may also be worth noting that there was already a listing on eBay with an It’s A Beautiful Day EP by Michael Bublé, apparently set for release on March 5. The bidding for the item has already ended; time will tell if that pre-release listing turns out to be true. (Update: Walmart confirms that an exclusive It’s A Beautiful Day EP will be released on March 5. The tracklist is not available yet.)
This post will be updated once a legal streaming link to the song is available, as well as with purchase links to iTunes and Amazon when they appear on Monday.